Cannas and other plants for sale.

Canna Panache

Canna Panache


Very elegant tall canna with orchid like flowers in pink/yellow peach followed by attractive seed pods. Glaucous green foliage

:  at  £9.00  each

Early plants need  heat and light January through March to mid April. See canna growing guide for more details. Check for updates. Stock levels are good but this variety produces few saleable rhizomes which may be made available when roots are divided but generally sold as young plants/potted plants starting a little later on. 

CURRENTLY  SOLD AS A RHIZOME, freshly divided, best potted and grown on with heat and light upon receipt or store for up to two weeks in damp compost.

 Eventual height; 5-7 ft 1.5-2.2m

Canna Panache clump