The Garden at Acre Meadow
UPDATED 05/10/2024
The garden opens in 2025 for the National Garden Scheme on 24/25 August for individuals/small groups. Plants are for sale on these days with some not available on the website.
Pre booking on the National Garden Scheme website helps us manage numbers and parking.
Tickets can be bought on the day at; or phone on the day to see if we can fit you in.
The garden is also open for the NGS for group/club visits on dates to be arranged in August and September. A minimum of 6 people £5 per person, refreshments extra.
Please use the information on the how to find us page which includes what3words location.
Plants featured include at least 20 varieties of Canna. Brugmansia, Dyckia and Aeonium
For more details visit the National Garden Scheme website;