Cannas and other plants for sale.

Arundo donax

Arundo donax


Large, hardy bamboo like deciduous grass, reaching 13 feet tall in one season.

:  at  £8.00  each

A very strong grass. Giant Reed- Arundo donax. Grows in many soil types including dry. Here in our light loam over sand it does very well reaching 13 feet annually after a couple of years of planting. Advantages over bamboo are that it doesn't run. Spreads slowly and indefinitely. Shallow rooted so can be uprooted where not required with a bit of effort. Provides shelter from wind and winter structure if not cut down after first season. Height and contrast through the growing season.

 Current pot size 2 litre

Arundo donax, despite some claims, is generally deciduous in the UK climate unless exceptionally mild as in winter 2021 here when the top 30cm or so leaves remained green. New stems from underground to full height in a season. You may cut down at the end of the season and leave tidy but here I leave the stems for a second season. The growth cycle is; First year a single strong stem with no offshoots. Second year the leafless stem produces short side shoots from every leaf joint. Which help make a thicker stand of stems. Third season that cane dies. No doubt as claimed on various websites it flowers in a typical grass way but having grown it since 2002 I have never seen it flower. Here I cut down the dead/side shooted stems every early spring as I use the dense growth to help provide shelter for other plants through the windbreak effect. The canes are strong enough to use throughout the garden for a year or two and I also use them for woodburner kindling. 

Arundo donax has been used here a lot as I find the height very good. Compared to trees or shrubs the pruning is easy (ground height) and the ultimate height around 13-16 feet for me is perfect and achieved very quickly compared to  the tree and shrub options. Without creating a canopy sun lovers can be planted right up to the clump on the sunny side.